Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is the medical term used to identify a collection of retinal diseases. These conditions cause gradual central vision loss. However, they leave the side or peripheral vision intact. It can affect your ability to recognize faces and drive.
You may not also be able to perform tasks that require sharp eyesight. It is the main contributor of blindness in the U.S. for individuals aged 50 years and above. Experts report that up to 15 million North Americans have some form of this disorder. Understanding the condition helps you grasp the importance of early detection.
Age-related macular degeneration is a condition that occurs when the region of your eye called the macula starts deteriorating. Alterations in the macula can cause issues with your ability to read, see fine details, or drive, to name a few. It is because the macula controls your central vision.
Age-related macular degeneration comes in the form of wet and dry AMD. Dry AMD is the most prevalent among patients and is not as severe as wet AMD. While dry AMD can lead to vision changes like the need for brighter lighting or blurriness, wet AMD causes more severe vision damage. Statistics show that approximately 10% of dry AMD instances lead to wet AMD, a more severe AMD type. This type of AMD can result in permanent vision loss.
Early detection helps you make a crucial decision about your condition. Early detection of AMD can prevent vision loss or blindness if you start managing it early.
Do not assume that nothing can be done to intervene effectively at the onset of AMD. It undermines the value of making an informed decision after the diagnosis. If your AMD is fortunately detected at its early stages, you have a chance to prevent vision loss.
Early detection helps you get closer monitoring of your condition because the transition from dry to wet age-related macular degeneration can occur rapidly. Left unchecked, it can even lead to blindness.
Exercising regularly, following a good diet, and maintaining optimal overall health are solid goals for everyone. However, early detection of conditions such as AMD can significantly affect their lives. For instance, when a patient gets diagnosed with onset AMD, they will get advice on lifestyle and nutrition changes that can prevent vision loss. It might include ceasing to smoke, controlling their weight, and eating an AMD diet. It can help slow down AMD’s progression.
When your eye doctor detects your AMD early on, they may recommend using blue light-blocking lenses and supplements. AREDS supplements combined with Omega-3 fatty acids, carotenoids, and blue light-blocking lenses can help preserve your vision. All these are more effective if early detection of AMD occurs.
Early detection of any disorder gives you a fair fighting chance. When you have the information early, you are allowed to pick the option that best suits you. It is advisable to consult your eye doctor.
For more information on dry eye syndrome, visit Ridgeview Eye Care at our Olathe or De Soto, Kansas office. Call (913) 270-8598 to book an appointment today.