What are the Symptoms of Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that causes the cornea, the clear front part of the eye, to thin and bulge into a cone-like shape. This irregular shape can distort your vision, making it difficult to see clearly. Keratoconus typically begins in the late teens or early 20s and can continue to progress for 10-20 years before stabilizing.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Keratoconus

Keratoconus often starts with subtle changes in your vision, which can gradually worsen over time. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of keratoconus include:

  • Blurred or Distorted Vision: As the cornea becomes more irregularly shaped, it can cause blurred, distorted, or multiple images, making it difficult to see clearly.
  • Increased Sensitivity to Glare and Light: The irregular cornea can cause increased sensitivity to bright lights, glare, and halos around lights.
  • Frequent Prescription Changes: You may find that your eyeglass or contact lens prescription changes frequently as the cornea continues to change shape.
  • Eye Strain and Fatigue: The distorted vision caused by keratoconus can lead to eye strain, fatigue, and headaches, especially after prolonged periods of reading or computer use.
  • Ghosting or Double Vision: The irregular shape of the cornea can cause ghosting or double vision, where you see multiple images of a single object.
  • Nearsightedness and Astigmatism: Keratoconus often causes both nearsightedness (myopia) and astigmatism, which can make it difficult to see clearly at all distances.

Diagnosing Keratoconus: What to Expect

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it's important to schedule an appointment with an optometrist, for a comprehensive eye examination. The diagnosis of keratoconus typically involves several tests, including:

  • Corneal Topography: This test uses a specialized camera to create a detailed map of the surface of your cornea, which can help detect the irregular shape associated with keratoconus.
  • Slit-Lamp Examination: During this exam, the eye care professional will use a slit-lamp to closely examine the structure and condition of your cornea, looking for signs of thinning or irregularity.
  • Corneal Thickness Measurement: Measuring the thickness of your cornea can help confirm the presence of keratoconus, as the condition is characterized by progressive thinning of the cornea.
  • Refraction and Visual Acuity Testing: Your eye care professional will assess your refractive errors, such as nearsightedness and astigmatism, and measure your visual acuity to determine the extent of your vision impairment.
  • Keratometry: This test measures the curvature of your cornea, which can help identify the irregular shape associated with keratoconus.

Treatment Options for Keratoconus

If you are diagnosed with keratoconus, your eye doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan that best addresses your specific needs and the progression of your condition. The goal of treatment is to slow the progression of the condition and improve your vision. Some of the most common treatment options for keratoconus include:

  • Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses: In the early stages of keratoconus, you may be able to use eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct your vision. However, as the condition progresses, these options may become less effective.
  • Corneal Cross-Linking: This relatively new procedure uses specialized UV light and eye drops to strengthen the cornea and slow the progression of keratoconus. Corneal cross-linking is considered the first treatment that can actually halt the progression of the condition.
  • Scleral Contact Lenses: These large, gas-permeable contact lenses cover the entire cornea and the surrounding sclera, providing a smooth, regular surface to improve vision.
  • Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking: This non-surgical treatment uses riboflavin eye drops and UV light to strengthen the cornea and slow the progression of keratoconus.

Schedule a Comprehensive Eye Exam with Ridgeview Eye Care today

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that can significantly impact your vision, but with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, many people with keratoconus are able to maintain good vision and quality of life.

If you're concerned about the symptoms of keratoconus, schedule an appointment with Ridgeview Eye Care. Early diagnosis and treatment can help slow the progression of the condition and preserve your vision. Visit our office in Olathe or Lenexa, Kansas. Please call (913) 270-8598 to book an appointment today.

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